Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm going to do it all over again...

Why should I have to start doing things differently because the odometer rolls over a new year? I kicked ass in 2009. Let's recap shall we?

I lost weight which for me isn't really a good thing since I've always been obnoxiously scrawny. I'm trying to hang out between 165 and 170. I hit 175 in 2008 and found myself having to try on pants again. What that means is the size of Levi's that I'd been wearing for close to ten years suddenly didn't fit. I dropped down to 160 and thanks to cooking at home I'm holding strong at a good weight for me. I don't see myself decorating my physique with muscles any time soon though. Maybe next year.

With weight out of the way I can focus on money. I plan to continue earning this year. My employer may actually come through with a raise. This didn't happen last year but I did manage to keep my job so I'm not going to complain. I'm coming up on my six year anniversary with them and I don't plan on giving up on them. With earning comes spending and while Jill and I have been somewhat thrifty we can definitely do better. Since my clothes fit I don't need to buy new clothes. If I do I'm going to stick to my new rule of only buying off the sale racks. No garment should cost more than $15. There are household projects on the things to do list but thanks to some new tools I can buy larger pieces of wood and cut them to whatever size I need rather than having to pay for small pieces. Tools kick ass. Besides that I just need food and Jill and I are getting pretty good at stocking up on vittles.

Health is a biggie for me. Jill has been on my ass to see a few doctors about my health. I feel fine for the most part but I'm still mostly out of shape and I'm due for a checkup. Once we're all done with our Disney trip I've got some appointments to schedule.

That's really it. I can't think of anything else that needs to be changed.