Sunday, February 14, 2010

WDW Trip Report - Day 4

Saturday - Part 1 - Sleeping in...

...until 9:30am. Jill wasn't about to let us sleep in as long as I usually sleep in. Personally, I think it's nice to wake up at the crack of noon on Saturday. Even though we sawed a few extra logs there were still the usual amount of riffraff in the food court. Apparently the dumbest people in our hotel sleep in as well because they were out in full force. We had the usual people trying to figure out the dining plan as well as those who already did and were hoping to sneak less food by the vigilant checkout people. You'd think they'd just accept that maybe somebody doesn't want half the menu for breakfast. I was also introduced to a new type of food court patron. While everybody with even a modicum of common decency would see the line they're at the head of and NOT leave their tray in front of a confused checker while they fill up their mug but this guy decided it was the best thing to do at that moment. Dickhole! This may have also been the morning where Jill saw a grown woman pick her nose and flick the booger but I'm not sure.

I refilled my coffee after breakfast and headed back to the room to sit on my duff for a bit and watch Stacy be obnoxious on TV. I swear I saw her in the food court with some douche bag but I'm pretty sure Disney at least puts her up in a moderate resort.

Jill and decided to wander about our resort and take just a shit load of pictures. I make another failed attempt at taking panoramic photos. I promised to figure it out before our Disneyland trip but I'm sure I won't get around to taking the three minutes needed to learn how.

After much debate we hit up the bowling pin pool because there weren't any kids peeing in that one. It was chilly but quiet. Jill wasn't happy about the lifeguard watching her. I tried to explain that is was his job to watch us and she just happened to be the only person in the pool besides me that didn't weigh more than 300 lbs. I finished doing my fifty laps and we were done. By fifty laps I mean swimming in circles around Jill for thirty minutes. We showered up and grabbed some lunch at a now empty food court before heading to Epcot.

Saturday - Part 2 - I sure do love Spaceship Earth

It was quite nice to take our time going to Epcot. We anticipated large groups of people so we planned to just walk around and soak up the scenery. It looks like Epcot wasn't the place for Brazilians today. Lucky us. We hit up Spaceship Earth because it's right there and that's how we roll. The camera can't seem to get my face right even though it has no trouble getting Jill's. It's not like I'm tanned and she's white. We're both as white as Rush Limbaugh's ass. I think it was because I didn't feel like taking my hat off. Our cartoon's were still hilarious.

Jill let me talk her into doing Mission Space instead of waiting until after dinner. We hit our buttons and had a good time. She agrees that it's not even remotely as horrible as everybody made it out to be. Maybe I can get her to do the ballsy side next time we go. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.

We had a little more time to kill before our "reservation" so we started hitting up the shops in the world showcase. I recall there being a very attractive German broad hocking wine. I can make comments like this because Jill lusts after David Cook and Zachary Quinto. I don't even remember what she looked like. I need to make better use of my wandering eye privileges.

It was finally time for dinner. We were really worried about our meal prospects after the horrendous lunch at Coral Shit er I mean Reef. They seated us really quickly which was already a good sign. Our table was in a good spot since there wasn't a giant aquarium right next to us. We ordered some tea and I got some booze and a weird appetizer from our server who looked like Aladdin. Jill tried my brewat rolls and enjoyed them too. I saw Ghandi walking around and then he came out, played a drum and sang happy birthday to a confused child.

Our food showed up very quickly and the first bites set me at ease as did the belly dancer who came out. She had very nice cans. Jill agreed. She let a bunch of kids come and dance with her. It was so cute it border lined on disgusting. Our meal went off without a hitch until some woman dragged her backpack across our table while squeezing between the tightest possible spot to get to her table. Our annoyance was short lived when I realized she was blind. Should I have let her off the hook? At the very least her husband should have at least helped her through. I saved our beverages from being spilled so I figured very little harm no foul. Service was snappy and dessert rocked. Who knew ice cream, fruit, and honey could be so good. Restaurant Marrakesh will be in our future trips. *Burp*

Saturday - Part 3 - Illuminations

We asked a nice lady where the best place to see Illuminations was. She suggested an area that was full of people by the time we got there. After a brief look we decided to watch them from where I got to see most of them the last time we were there. The real bummer is that we took the long way around. I think it was a shorter walk from Morocco to Norway counter clockwise. Exercise schmexercise. Illuminations was quite good. I'd see it again. The only problem was the Brazilian tour group standing in front of us. Normally we wouldn't really notice them. This group was the exception because along with the flag bearing tour guide they were also wearing bright yellow track suits. I want one. We hit up a few more shops and decided that was it for us. We were full of food and tomorrow is another day.

Thanks for joining me for this little look at our Saturday. Stay tuned for Sunday. It's the day after Saturday. It happens frequently.


  1. The grown woman booger picker/flicker was actually on our LAST day there.
