Monday, July 26, 2010

Hey, that's a neat song.

I like to think that I have good taste in music but when I listen to what the general population listens to I'm fairly certain that I love crap. Here is some crap that I love.

I've made peace with the fact that I'm a little out of touch. Just a little.


  1. I realized that I'm in the wrong generation the other day while hanging with Matt's aunt and uncle. They are awesome liberal Californians and I think they are future versions of Matt and I.

    We were playing pool and wanted some tunes. The music on my phones playlist consisted of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; Jonathan Edwards, Cat Stevens, etc. I had some modern stuff on there too but the majority was from the 60's and 70's.

    I'm a firm believer people younger than 30 don't know that good music existed before 2000. Other than the trend that is The Beatles. Don't get me wrong... I'm a huge Beatles fan but there WERE other artists that had some great stuff too.

    Huey Lewis is going to be at a fair near us tonight actually. If I wasn't just there to see Lady Antebellum I would probably have gone. It would be a fun show I'm sure.

  2. I'm amazed that The Beatles are lost on a lot of people younger than me. They hear bubblegum tunes with "LaLaLa" all over the place and they immediately dismiss it. These days it's easy to throw a filter on a specific track or program additional instruments to fill out a song but they did it themselves before anybody else even though of doing so.

  3. "These days it's easy to throw a filter on a specific track or program additional instruments to fill out a song..."

    How's programing on "One" coming along?

  4. I'm making some progress programming the instruments that I don't have to play.

  5. By "don't have to play" you mean "don't own"....right?

  6. Yes. I can pretty much play all of them. If I owned all the bits and pieces I need to record proper you'd be very annoyed at having to hear me play each one separately.
